Latina artist living in New york City

The creative process has the potential to express emotional, and provoke a train of thought that words cannot—-it helps transcends pain and other psychological nuances in a unique way. While living in Harlem these past two years, I have reflected many of the artwork I created here. I had genuine feelings and hope for a better tomorrow. I felt that creating art work can make something beautiful out of the uncertainty of life. This room, this space, and this unique time to express oneself as an artist helped create a better understanding of the world we live in. It helped me transport myself out of a difficult place and into a creative life force that reminded me of my strength and resilience.

Happy Medium and what self-care feels like

I find myself looking inward, wondering what the next steps in my life will look like. I worry that I might be sidetracked and lose my love for art. Often, when I experience specific arthritic pains in my hands, I pause and take a deep breath. I want to remember why I love creating art and why it is important for me to share my story, no matter how messy and diverse the hues of colors may be. I truly believe that my art will contribute something meaningful in the future. I will persist in my work and continue to create.

New York City Public Library Zine Volume 7 Edition 

As an artist based in Spanish Harlem, my work is informed by my experiences as a front line worker in
NYC. Through this work, I have come to understand the importance of radical self-acceptance and
learning how to cope in a time of uncertainty.
My art serves as a modality to speak about the unspoken and convey things that cannot be put into
words, but rather into pictures. It is a means for me to express my feelings and emotions in a way that
is not always possible through language. My goal is to create work that speaks to the human experience
and inspires us to connect with ourselves and with one another on a deeper level. Through my art, I
hope to inspire others to seek solace in expression, and to convey feelings that may be difficult to put
into words. By sharing their personal experiences and using art as a tool for healing, I hope to create a
sense of connection and empathy to my audience, particularly to my community in NYC. I hope that art
can foster deeper connections with others, both on a personal and universal level.



New York, NY - Co-Curators Yvonne Lamar-Rogers, mixed media artist, and Rolinda Ramos, Director of Operations and Programming at El Barrio’s Artspace PS109 present the third annual “Women Celebrate Women” with an opening reception on Friday, March 10, 2023. The New York-based Artspace pushes boundaries with its third annual female-centered multimedia group exhibition as reflected in the creative work of over 75 exceptional New York State-based women artists. Rolinda Ramos welcomes Yvonne Lamar-Rogers to lead the twofloor gallery space in celebration of Women’s History Month. The exhibit celebrates the beauty and resilience of all women.

 It encompasses the diverse narratives of each artist by exploring through their creative visions: All that we are, all that we have been and all that we aspire to become. Artist and Curator Lamar-Rogers says the mission of Women Celebrate Women is to celebrate not just Women’s History Month but also to celebrate and honor talented, creative women of all backgrounds. “It is our goal to celebrate the diversity found in the New York Area female visual arts community,” she states, and in collaboration with El Barrio’s director of operations, Ramos, “This exhibit aims to honor and uplift diverse female artists of our time.” 

The public is welcome to view the amazing collection of multimedia creative works that feature striking images, sculptures, fiber arts and more in the heart of an East Harlem artistic community at the beautiful El Barrio’s Artspace PS109. The circa 1899 building, a previously abandoned NYC public school building, was transformed into a community housing complex for artists and their families. It also offers beautiful spaces for the arts as well as cultural programming in the East Harlem Community.

 Located at 215 E. 99th Street, New York, NY 10029. “Women Celebrate Women” will host an Opening Reception on Friday, March 10, 2023 from 6:00 - 9:00 pm. The Exhibition will be on view through March 31, 11:00 am - 6:00 pm daily. 215 E. 99th Street, New York, NY 10029 

 "The Lonely City" 5x 5(2022) and "Girl " 4 x 4 (2021) were recently showcased at the Women Celebrate Women exhibit in New York's Artspace PS109.  These two art pieces were a true reflection of this year's theme. The Lonely City was a powerful piece that explored the struggles of people post-Covid.  The use of muted colors and the blurred lines conveyed the feeling of isolation that many have experienced over the past year. 

The Girl (2021) was a  canvas that showcased the beauty and resilience of women. The piece depicted a girl in a garden, surrounded by flowers and her mother in the forefront. The use of bright colors and the delicate details conveyed the beauty of women and their ability to withstand any challenge that comes their way. These exhibit  was a true reflection of the magic of celebrating diversity and resilience while pushing boundaries like never before. These bodies of artwork will forever be a testament to the power of creativity and the resilience of women.


The Art of the Brain-Call for Images

I created the brain image below called "Bloom" after receiving my MRI results. I love using art as a way to process my feelings, and creating something beautiful from medical images that can be scary. I think it's important to confront fear, take control of the narrative, and turn it into something new. I believe images have power, and I'm excited to showcase my work at the Sinai community. 

The Friedman Brain Institute hosts a Neuroscience Retreat held in the spring of each year.  I had the opportunity to participate in 2020 #ArtoftheBrain competition. It meant a lot to me and for my artwork. I learned in this moment to reach out to my community for support and encouragement. 

Art  Gallery

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